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Has the IRS or State Notified the Social Security Admin / Disability / SSDI of a Pending Wage Levy? in Lubbock, Texas For Sale

Type: Financial, For Sale - Private.

Has the IRS or State Notified the Social Security Admin / Disability / SSDI of a Pending Wage Levy?
10,000 IRS Taxpayers are turning the age of 65 years old every day for the next 20 years. If you are on the verge of retirement and are not sure if your tax account is receptive to Social Security Benefits? Immediate Back Tax Relief via DWK Tax Group is available.
Not all Taxpayer's are eligible for IRS or State Tax Debt relief, however, should your income be limited or fixed and you are fed up with your benefits check being shorted on a monthly basis? Contact the professionals to spear head the quest for tangible, sustainable long term tax account maintenance.
Regardless of the IRS Tax Debt or State Tax Debt amount...
Regardless of the number of IRS unfiled tax returns or IRS missing tax returns...
Regardless if an IRS Revenue Officer is assigned to your file...
DWK Tax Group will address each agency one by one and get to solve the "CORE" of the IRS or State tax problem, we will prevent it from blindsiding you again once and for all.
Call 1 - 8 6 6 - 2 2 6 - 6 1 0 2 for a DWK Tax Group detailed tax analysis. A 20 minute conversation could very well be the most important phone call you can make and the first step toward financial stability we all crave. DWK Tax will not accept your case unless we can save you money.
Here are various notices sent out by the IRS:
CP - 11 Changes to the IRS Tax Return
This notice is sent to a Taxpayer to show changes were made to the tax return, the changes resulted in a balance due.
CP - 14 Balance due
This notice is sent to the Taxpayer to show the amount of underpaid taxes, taxes reported, credits and the amount of underpayment.
CP - 88 Delinquent Return Refund Hold
IRS has the right to HOLD your refund. This notice is sent to the Taxpayer to advise you of your refund being held due to missing tax return from the year before.
CP - 90/CP-297/CP 297A Notice of Intent to Levy
This letter is sent to the Taxpayer to advise of a pending wage or bank levy is imminent. 90 day notice to all to include Social Security Benefits, SSDI, OPM retirement benefits,
?Wage or Salaried" employees and xxxx Independent Contractors.
CP - 91 Final Notice of Intent to Levy
This letter is sent to the Taxpayer to advise of Levy issuance within the next 30 days. Social Security benefits can be garnished for the amount of 15% percent of received benefits.
Hopefully the listed notices will help all IRS Taxpayer's with the ability to understand the possible timeline as to when your timeline may be running short.
Call 1 - 8 6 6 - 2 2 6 - 6 1 0 2 for a DWK Tax Group detailed tax analysis.
DWK Tax Group offers:
No Non Sense IRS and State Tax Attorney Representation
Attentive case file management
Affordable Financing
Realistic Options and Solutions
SOLID tax relief representation
Taxpayer bewares!! Conduct your due diligence and research the company you choose to hire. Google, Yahoo or Bing the name of the company and write the word "complaints". There are many unscrupulous characters that will say anything to earn your business, do not fall victim to the unforeseen.
Thank you for your time in advance...
Call 1 - 8 6 6 - 2 2 6 - 6 1 0 2 for a DWK Tax detailed tax analysis.

State: Texas  City: Lubbock  Category: Financial
Financial in Texas for sale

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